General Terms and Conditions Wi-Fi Mauritshuis

At the Mauritshuis we offer free Wi-Fi to our visitors. To use this service, we kindly ask you to agree to the Wi-Fi terms and conditions. By clicking the ‘Log in’ button on our Wi-Fi network’s login page, you are confirming that you have read, understood and agree to these terms and conditions. If you do not agree, you will not be permitted to connect to the Mauritshuis Wi-Fi network. We reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time.

Terms and conditions

Our Wi-Fi network is intended for use by our visitors who want to find information on the internet, read e-mails or connect to social media. Accessing the Mauritshuis Wi-Fi network from outside the museum is not permitted.

We are unable to provide any assurances or guarantees about the range and quality of our network’s connection or speed. We are also unable to guarantee that your personal device will be able to establish a connection to our Wi-Fi network. We are unable to offer any support in setting up a connection to our Wi-Fi network. Furthermore we reserve the right to deactivate the Wi-Fi network at any time for maintenance.

As a user of our Wi-Fi network, you agree not to cause any nuisance and/or harm to other users, the internet or the network.

Visitors are not permitted to use our Wi-Fi network to:


We record your browsing activity and block websites if we believe these to be contrary to moral standards and/or public order, and reserve the right to terminate your Wi-Fi connection.


The use of our Wi-Fi network is entirely at the user’s own risk. Data traffic via our network is unencrypted and can be registered (undetected) by third parties or otherwise viewed and stored. We accept no liability for unauthorised access by third parties. Our visitors are responsible for safeguarding their personal devices and any software and files stored on them. We are never liable for any failure of the internet or network and/or the loss of data or income resulting from technical or other malfunctions.


Users of our Wi-Fi network are liable for any damage incurred by the Mauritshuis as the result of an act or omission contrary to these provisions and will indemnify the Mauritshuis against claims from third parties resulting therefrom.


© Mauritshuis, Den Haag may 2018. All rights reserved.




